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Playit Live RAM Issue


I have been using Playit Live for awhile now but I constantly get it using more and more RAM until it crashes.

This has happened to more than one computer.

Plugins I have running:

Internet Broadcast

Now Playing Txt 

My PC:

Windows 10

AMD Ryzon 3 3200G with Radeon Vega Graphics 3.60GHz


64bit Operating System

(451 KB)

Thanks I'll give it a go this week and see how we go.

Hi Daniel,

Please could you try this new version which only monitored files with audio file extensions:

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Hi Daniel,

Looking at your logs there are a lot of monitored folders that are scanning files that aren't audio files - and failing. This could be causing the memory leak. I will see if I can provide a version that limits scanning of files to only ones with known audio file extensions, i.e. .wav, .mp3, etc.


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G'day again,

I uploaded the file because it was to big to hit your server:

It's available here:


Hi Daniel,

Please could you send me your data and logs using this tool: . Download and run and follow the on-screen instructions.




I'm running Version 2.06 (Buld: 2796) which I'm updating now, but this has been persisting through multiple versions.

Here is the DMP file is about 600mbs in size:


Hi Daniel,

Please can you create a memory dump of PlayIt Live and upload this to cloud storage and provide a link. You can create a memory dump from Task Manager by right-clicking PlayItLive.exe and click Create Dump File. I can then investigate further.

Please could you also clarify that you are running the latest version of PlayIt Live and the plugins.

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