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Connecting to remote server loses all my music, jingles and everything goes to like a new install

Strange, I just purchased the licence for remote server so i can do the music and scheduling on another machine. Installed it on the playit live playout PC. Then went through the process and whenever i click the connect button, the playout stops and all music and jingles and everything stops, nothing at all left on the playout until i click disconnect and it all comes back.

Help please, would really like to use this

Hi Jason,

I am confused as ever.  I have Playit Manager and Playit Live working on one machine and want to make use of my remote access facility on another machine located a few miles away.  I have changed the port forwarding rules on the base pc but didn't really understand what I was meant to be doing. If I open "connect to a remote server in PlayIt Live, I have to disconnect PlayIt Manager on this pc to allow access to the remote server.  This obviously stops the broadcast stream.  

What I want to do is to go to my home pc and upload all the PlayIt Manager information from the base pc and then be able to change it and schedule things remotely.  Have I got the concept wrong?  Eventually we want other users to be able to do the same and to create their own radio shows and schedule them as I do on the base pc at the moment.

it works. Legend as usual Jason

Hi Mark,

The URL you use to connect from PlayIt VoiceTrack for remote voice tracking is the same URL you use for remote management. Take this URL and paste it into your browser and you are able to connect.

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Nope Jason still no joy. I can access fine remotely with VT but with this it just wont connect no matter what i try

Hi Mark,

If the data is already in PlayIt Live then you should use enable remote connections in PlayIt Live and use the built-in Remote Management server rather than using PlayIt Manager. PlayIt Manager is designed if you are starting from scratch and want a dedicated machine for syncing data. Just go to File > Enable Remote Connections on PlayIt Live. There is a section there on that window to help you set up external connections so you can remotely manage the data from another location.


okay Jason, got the playit manager open on a separate PC now but when i go to the playit live machine and put the http given on the connect playit Live tab it is saying "error connecting to server and the remote name could not be resolved"

any ideas :)

No, you purchased the Advanced Scheduling module which is used for scheduling Advert/Commercial breaks. I will change it to Remote Management which lets you do what you are desiring.

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Hi Jason sorry i am so new to all this so still finding my feet. I am happy now with the VT module that is superb.  I now want to be able to add songs and change music patterns and playlists from another machine. 

Is that what I purchased?. 

Hi Mark,

To do remote management, you should use a web browser with the remote URL. What you have done is sync your PlayIt Live instance with the remote instance - this is largely readonly and used to replicate the same data on another PlayIt Live instance. When you sync a new instance, it switches to a clean database and starts the process of syncing the data across. This is why the data disappears initially. This is by design and not a bug.

By the way, it looks like you have purchased Advanced Scheduling and not Remote Management. Do you want me to switch that?

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