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Unable to pause playing tracks in Live Asist mode.

Uisng latest version of Play It Live (1.14) . Am using Windows 10 PC. Can start stop and pause  tracks in Decks mode but not in Live Assist mode except by 'ejecting ' track. Keyboard shortcut seems not to work either.  Am I missing something or is there a bug?

Whilst I am unable to reproduce it on my W10 test system I have started getting reports (as of 10th April) of presenters being unable to stop /pause / eject long tracks (track duration is in order of 1hr) mid way through,  on our W8.1 studio system.



Wow! Amazing same day service. Thats sorted it. Many thanks.


Hi Mike,

You can download the new version from here:


Thanks, look forward to trying it out.


Hi Mike,

Thank you for your post. I have been able to reproduce this issue again (I thought I had fixed it!). I am currently preparing a new version which I will post here for you to test.

Kind regards,


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