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duplicate events at the end of a scheduled clock

Have been "soak testing" playit for the last week - every so often it generates duplicate events at the end of a clock hour - so in my test schedule, you'll get the Top of Hour (fixed event at 59:48) inserted twice, or, it'll throw in the first event of the next hour (File of 3 mins silence to allow for an incoming news feed) twice.

This kinda rules it out for me, as the results on air would be: News starts over the top of the 2nd Top of Hour or there is a block of 3 mins silence off the back of the news.The clock is repeated each hour, though I did build another one, on the off chance this was causing it.

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Hi Jason, that is the last event in the clock list - however I may have found what had caused my problem. I had left playit running for a few days, with pre-generated playlists, unknown to me a colleague then came along and changed the clocks slightly, he was unaware I had pre scheduled a number of days... 

When I rebuilt the original clocks I was using, the problem went away.

Have left it running, across a daytime, night time and weekend clock with no repeat of the double scheduling of events. Apologies for flagging up a bug that isn't a bug.

Hi Paul,

Thanks. Please could you take a screenshot of what is at the end of the clock if you scroll down.



Thanks, Jason - here you go: 

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Hi Paul,

Please could you post a screenshot of your clock setup.



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