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I noticed in deck mode you can fade off a track. However in Live assist you can't fade off a track manually to start another.

This would be a handy option.

So basically it would be nice to have a fade and stop on individual tracks in Live assist.

Also a manual volume adjust adjust would be nice too. 

1 Comment

I don't quite see what you mean Trevor. The "Live Assist" stop button will fade a track early and move to the next playlist item.

If you press play while a track is playing it will start the next one early.

As for the manual volume adjust, a combination of the "Audio Processing" plugin and the use of something like "MP3 gain" might be what you want. 

PlayIt Live is a bit of a compromise in terms of "artistic mixing" and it is intended for a different application to, for example Mixxx. 

If you want manual control of level (particularly with a presenter microphone), an external physical mixer and a multi channel sound card is probably the best approach although there are software mixers. 

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