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question about voice announcements between songs

hi everyone, i thought i seen a video once about how to find the lists of songs that are scheduled to play and be able to make voice tracks between songs, and i thought there was a plug in to do that with, but i am not seeing it in the plug in list to buy, can someone please help me to understand and be able to buy that plug in, thanks


thank you Yann

so a couple more questions related to the voice track module, 1st question is, how do i find the list of songs that are scheduled to play with the clock schedule so i can do the voice tracks for those specific songs, and 2nd question is where do i find the list of songs that i have played already, thanks

also, i am trying to figure out if there is a way to copy the clock hour that is scheduled ahead of time into the voice track so i can make my voice tracks for it from there, thanks

Hi David,

I don't use the voice track module, but I think you could find all the info you need in the documentation. It's very clear and has a lot of info:

the videos could also help, and try the module 

"where do i find the list of songs that i have played already?" in the "Logged Tracks" section:

Sorry I can't do much more.

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