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now pluaying plugin question

we installed the now playing plugin, but don't understand how to program it (especially the http)? Can you help us ?

The HTTP is generally reserved for the TuneIn API. The plugin side of thing is fairly easy to use though. On the 'Text File' tab, the plugin can write the currently playing song to a text file which can be used for external encoders like Butt.

My advice would be to open Notepad, leave it blank, save it as 'nowplaying.txt' somewhere on your computer like 'Documents' or 'Music' for example and then the Now Playing plugin will do the rest.

we have tried the noted block but it remains empty!
Regarding the http actually it is for Tunein that we would like to use it but do not understand how to link it to a web page (does it seem like a page of our site!)?

With the TuneIn side of things, have a look at this: you do need to email TuneIn Support for access to the API, they will send you an email back (within a few days) with the information you need.

For the notepad side of things, make sure the following is done:-

• On the Text File tab, the 'Save now playing track to a file' is ticked

• On the 'Template' field '{{artist}} - {{title}}' is there

Here's an example of my Now Playing plugin


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