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Now Playing plugin and multiple simultaneous updates

We would need to use the Now Playing plugin to pass metadata updates to our Icecast 2 server, which presumably is handled by the HTTP Request config.

In any event it is of the form

How do we IN ADDITION pass updates to TuneIn: this is an HTTP GET string of the form

Both formats can also handle an "album" term, which we would also need to use.

Thanks in advance!

--Richard E

Hi Richard,

You can use {{album}} to output the album name.

Unfortunately, only 1 HTTP request can be sent. The only thing I can recommend (if you can do it technically) is to set up an HTTP server on your machine to act as a proxy and forward the data to both web servers.


OK, I can work with that, though a future option to do multiple updates would be great, especially if we were streaming to two servers, eg low and high bitrate.
