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Mac into Playit Manager?

It seems to reason that because the interface into playit manager is browser based that you could use a networked Mac to access manager.  Is this possible?  What would be the url?

Are you able to connect, but fail to get past the login screen? If so, what is the error on the login screen?

No Jason it gives the same error screen as if the host PC firewall port was not opened. Just says the address PC does not exist

I have a staff member who can't seem to log in with his Mac but all the Windows machines are fine

Hi Cameron,

This sounds like a network configuration issue and nothing to do with PlayIt Manager.

On the Mac I would try pinging the machine to see if it resolves to an IP address. You can do this by going to Terminal and typing:

ping name_of_the_computer


HI Cameron,

There are some issues using Safari on Mac. Can you try using the Chrome browser?


Hi Jason - thanks for the response.  Sadly we have tried all browsers, and yes Chrome was actually the first one we tried on the Mac.  All Windows machines fine.  Do you think it is a privacy setting on the Mac?

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