Hello Josh,
Are your studio PC and your home PC on different Internet connections ?
Can you "see" your studio PC from your home PC ?
I guess you connect to a Shoutcast/Icecast server on the home PC and the studio PC connects to the stream on the Shoutcast/Icecast server.
Can the studio PC play that stream ?
Can you explain a little more about the setup ?
Hi Mark
Yes, they are on separate connections, it is a Shoutcast stream. The studio PC won't play it, but the PC that is broadcasting it will play it.
Hello Josh,
Where is the Shoutcast server ?
You would see what you describe if the Shoutcast server were running on the home PC.
If you have (say) a phone on a 3G connection can that play the stream (or at least see the Shoutcast web page) ?
Josh Hornsey
I have setup an audio stream so that I can do shows live from my house & program it into PlayIt Live.
I tested it on PlayIt Live on my home PC & it worked, but whenever it's in the studio it says stream not playable.
I am using the same version of the software on both PCs.