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When cloning clocks composed mostly of Track Groups, will each clone of the clock play the same songs, even when the Smart Selection Scheduling Strategy selected?


I'm new to Playit LIve and this is my first post in the forum.

I've made my first Clock and was hoping to clone it so that I could have the same Clock for the next day, but with different continuity announcement etc. I'm a bit worried though that this will mean that the exact same songs will play in the cloned versions. 

For clarity, my exact case is that I have a clock called 'Monday - 30's, 40's, 50's' This has a day-specific continuity announcement at the start, then is just made up with the Track Groups '30's', '40's' and '50's'. I've made a clone of the this clock, retitled it 'Tuesday - 30's, 40's, 50's', and put in the Tuesday continuity announcement. Now will the Tuesday clock have the exact same songs, even though each track group entry has the 'Smart Selection' track scheduling strategy selected? 

I had thought that this would mean that even though it was cloned, it would still have a different selection of tracks, but it looks like all the times are identical to Monday's clock, so I'm not sure. 

Thanks in advance!


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