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API toggleAutomation Gives 404 Error

I'm running the latest version, evaluating with trial licenses for advanced scheduling and remote management, and using Node RED to check automation status and toggle it if necessary.
I'm able to get the status without a problem (https://<ip address>:25433/api/control/liveAssist/playoutMode?apiKey=<api key>) but I get a 404 error if I try to toggle it (https://<ip address>:25433/api/control/liveAssist/playoutMode/toggleAutomation?apiKey=<api key>).
Has anyone else run across this or am I doing something wrong?
Thank you in advance.

Best Answer

Please check you are using the POST method with a JSON body { on: true } when using this URL 

That was it. I forgot to change that setting in the node. Thank you, Jason!



Please check you are using the POST method with a JSON body { on: true } when using this URL 

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