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Now Playing Documentation Request

I've been running into problems using the now playing plugin to make post request to a website (wix). What is the format for the POST body supposed to be? I've entered the URL for the wix site that contains that backend code to process HTTP POST requests, but nothing comes through. In the dialogue box for the plugin, it always gives a 429 error but I don't see any of these requests coming through. Any ideas?

Hi Jim

Please can you post a screenshot showing the problem

1 person likes this

Of course!


I had another question while I'm here, is the username and password for use in the case that the server itself requires some kind of credentials from the Now Playing client? If that is the case, I would enter any credentials I had created on the server side of things, right?

Or am I supposed to enter my Play it Live credentials in here in order for the client (Play it Live) to send those out in the first place?

Thanks Jason!

Any updates here?

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