Hey guys. Longtime user of PIL here, One of the great things about it is at least to my mind, it's very intuitive to me, and I really haven't had to do a lot of reading the manual to get things working how I want, which is just wonderful.
I would like to find out the average duration of all the tracks in my library, so that I can implement a playout policy that comes close to being 2 hours long. This may seem a bit odd, but I have half a dozen groups I'm playing from, and I would like to be able to have a consistent sound when the 2 hours of music starts again. If I had a rough idea of how many tracks fitted into 2 hours (and don't get me wrong, I fully realise it will only be a rough idea), I hope to be able to plan things better.
Many thanks :-)
1 Comment
Jason Allen
about 2 years ago
Hi Joseph,
You can export all tracks in your system to a CSV file and open this in Excel and do your own arithmetic on the Duration column. You can find this under Manage > Tracks > CSV icon.
Joseph Karl
Hey guys. Longtime user of PIL here, One of the great things about it is at least to my mind, it's very intuitive to me, and I really haven't had to do a lot of reading the manual to get things working how I want, which is just wonderful.
I would like to find out the average duration of all the tracks in my library, so that I can implement a playout policy that comes close to being 2 hours long. This may seem a bit odd, but I have half a dozen groups I'm playing from, and I would like to be able to have a consistent sound when the 2 hours of music starts again. If I had a rough idea of how many tracks fitted into 2 hours (and don't get me wrong, I fully realise it will only be a rough idea), I hope to be able to plan things better.
Many thanks :-)