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Play Remote URL with variable Duration?


I use Playit Live to stream to my online Radio Station.

For the News Block, I have a Link which leads to an mp3 file whoch gets updated every hour. How can i play this in Playit Live as a scheduled event?
I know I can playit via Remote URL, but I need to set a duration for the file. The thing is, that the news aren't always exactly the same length.

How can I bypass that problem?

Thanks for any help!

Best Answer

Hi there,

The duration is required for scheduling timing reasons. Set the duration to longer than it needs to be. If the file ends before the expected duration, that is fine and it will move onto the next track.


Hi there,

The duration is required for scheduling timing reasons. Set the duration to longer than it needs to be. If the file ends before the expected duration, that is fine and it will move onto the next track.

1 person likes this

Ah I didn't know that.


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