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AUDIO from BSI software

Any Way to convert audio from WAVE CART  or simian to play it live  getting the files to display right and have have all DATA  as in the info on each song and intro and fade points  

Changing the file format will be fairly simple. The tricky part is the start, fade and vocal start points which I can’t see any way of moving. Tags for artist, track etc. will be fine.

My must have format Converter is dbPoweramp which is a program I always pay for. It's worth every penny for a multi converter and CD Ripper. 

Forf example when I finish each show, which is recorded as a wav file, I top and tail it in Audition, then use one right click on the file to get dbPoweramp to simultaneously convert it both to an m4a 192k file for Mixcloud uploading and an mp3 128k file for the online playout system. 

I've used it to convert wavpack to wav, flac and mp3. It normally carries tags across too.

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