Hello David,
The "now playing" plugin saves the player title & artist information information to a text file (it does other things but that is the simple version) but is intended to work with a different streaming encoder (so not the encoder plugin for PlayIt Live).
The Now Playing plugin doesn't capture metadata from other players (you seem to be using Winamp) and put that data in the PlayIt Live generated stream.
I think if your encoding source was "PlayIt Live Main Mix" and you were playing files on PlayIt Live it would all work with the PlayIt Live encoder plug in..
If you are using Winamp to add processing by some means (I'm not quite sure how) that may be why the metadata isn't working.
Hi Mark,
Thanks for taking the time to answer. The station was using winamp before I switched them to PlayIt. The mention of winamp out on the encoder is purely the name of the sound channel and nothing else. There is no other software running on the PC and there is no other processing happening. The song that is showing the 'Now playing' window was the one that was playing in PlayIt at the time but was not being sent to the stream and not showing on the status screen.
Hello David,
Just so I understand the setup, I guess by the mention of "VB-Audio Virtual cable" there is some kind of routing (perhaps via a software mixer) going on.
I've a very simple test system, it is just "PlayIt Live Main Mix" (one of the available encoder sources) going to some Shoutcast & Icecast servers (Raspberry Pi's) on my LAN (hence everything is "internal" IP addresses).
This screen shot shows all the settings for the Icecast stream (I had just stopped it so I could look at the encoder settings).
If you are able to set up or access a "vanilla" Icecast server you could see if the PlayIt Live encoder is sending "now playing" data.
If your setup is similar, it should all work. Note the only Plugin I have is "Internet Broadcast". If you don't have the latest (1.09) it is worth updating although it doesn't impact the now playing data.
Hi Mark,
I was using the virtual cable as I missed the PlayIt Live Main Mix option. I got quite excited and changed this setting. Unfortunately it did not fix the problem, I have attached a similar screenshots with the settings I am now using and the resulatant Icecast screen. Thanks for your help so far.
Well David,
This has me puzzled.
Your setup seems almost identical to mine,
In the first screenshot you have some now playing information (Matt Leavy) and yet it doesn't appear on the Icecast screen.
All I can suggest is trying to use a second Icecast server (it only needs to be for test purposes so perhaps a "free trial" somewhere) and see if that shows the track information.
I can't see anything you are doing that looks wrong.
Alternatively can you get support from whoever runs the Icecast server ?
One thought.
One particular point to check.
Can your server "suppress metadata" and if so, is it set to do so ?
Hi Mark,
Yes it's a strange one. as you suggested the now playing info is hitting the encoder and changes when the track changes. As I mentioned earlier, I am using PlayIt to replace a Winamp/Edcast combo. When I drop PlayIt and fire up Winamp the Icecast works fine (screenshot attached) so I know it's not a server side problem. I have tried to cast to a different mountpoint and out test stream which is a differnet IP and still cannot get it to display the now playing info.
Clutching at straws somewhat, you can put your own Now Playing in by ticking the "override" box.
What happens when you do that ?
It is conceivable that the metadata in your files is upsetting the Icecast server and it is being rejected as invalid.
Hi Mark,
No that didn't work either. I don't believe the Now Playing info is getting to the server.
I am now thinking that maybe a reinstall of the plugin or possibly the whole application may be in order.
Hello David,
I'm not convinced that a re-installation will fix things.
Before you do that, I suggest (if possible) a clean installation on a second machine (however basic).
While you need decent hardware for PlayIt Live not to occasionally glitch, for this test a new install and a couple of MP3 files would suffice.
Hi Mark,
OK done that, it now turns in to a very complicated head scratcher. I have a test stream from the same provider on the same IP using different ports, and in talking to support at our provider he assures me that both streams are identical in every way including Icecast version and the binaries running the streams.
I have set up PlayIt on a second PC which also has Winamp/Edcast combo on it too.
So 2 PCs with 2 playout/encoder combos (Playit & WinAmp/Edcast) and 2 streams (test & main).
All combinations of the above show metadata except when the PCs try to use PlayIt to send to the main stream. Both PlayIts were set up with 2 identical encoders (except IP and password) to simultaneously send a stream to both ports (test & main). Metadata appears on test but not main.
Both PCs re also running the Winamp/Edcast combo simultaneously and this is sending metadata to both streams flawlessly.
In short, the only combination that doesn’t send metadata is from PlayIt to the main stream regardless of mountpoint.
My head hurts now…
I’m usually very good at these kinds of things but this one has got me!
Hi Mark,
Yes I have restarted the stream with no success on the metadata front.
I have logged in to centovacast and I can't see anything on the metadata tab. I have attached it here.
I have been through all of the tabs and can see nothing significant.
The host server guy has been very helpful and set up another port which he tried different versions and binaries with no success. The hunt goes on...
Unitl we find a solution we could get the now playing plugin and use Edcast or Butt to stream PlayIt.
David Marks
I have 'Now Playing' information in my encoder window (see attachement) by this info does not show on my icecast page. Do I need to purchase the now playing plugin to get this to work or is it something I'm not doing?