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Getting news ID and News to play together at the right time

Hi all, i am fairly new to Playlit live but really getting to grips with it.

One question i have is the best way to set up news ID followed by remote url news.

Is the best way to do this by scheduling an event that includes the news ID first or having a playlist with news ID and url that is scheduled each hour.

Basically this is how i am attempting to do it.

I have an ad break of two mins that has a fixed time start of 57.35 each hour

Then a scheduled event that includes a fixed start of 59:35 starting with news ID and in the same scheduled event as number 2 the url for the news feed.

I have done this and found that the news is playing on its own and the news ID also playing on its own after the news sometimes.

Can anyone help with the correct process of how I should be doing this and if i should be using scheduled events, clocks etc to do it.

Forgive me for sounding a bit dumb but I have been on mac for years using megaseg and the schedules and clocks etc are done so differently its become a bit confusing.

1 Comment

Hello Mark,

I would use clocks (make a clock for an hour then schedule the clock in the required times).

Have a good read through

and experiment.

Hard fixed time markers make things happen at a time. The tricky thing to automate is to make the scheduled music in the preceding hour end neatly on the hour.

I've not achieved that and I suspect that other music rotation software is needed for that level of sophistication.


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