There are a few related feature requests (essentially for what would be a "headphone" output on a mixer) but it hasn't got enough votes to be implemented yet.
Having searched the "Feature Requests" there seem to be three (two of which I created !) so perhaps I'm one of the few who see the need.
I assume the "live audio" is streamed thus doesn't actually need a "real" output..
I've not done this, but you might find that VoiceMeeter Banana could provide what you want.
You would assign the preview channel to one virtual "input" and the rest (players etc.) to another.
Your streaming output would come from a "virtual" output and the switchable "prehear" from an output that is assigned to the computer output.
for hints and tips.
Talmizie Amron
Is there a way to Auto-Mute Live show when I want to preview or segue a track on the track? And Live audio came back after I finished previewing the song.