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Artists Repeat in Spite of Playout Policy

Current State:

350 + artists

500 + albums

4200 + tracks

All within the same Group/Genre

Playout Policy:  Artist Repeat = 2 hours, Track Repeat = 24 hours

I occasionally see an artist being repeated within one or two tracks.  I do not think based on my figures above that I would ever run out of tracks, yet early repeats do happen.

Does anyone have any insight?



How good is the track metadata ?

Is the same artist always EXACTLY the same in the tags ?

Capitalisation ?

Spaces ?

Just as an example, I have multiple copies of "Green Onions"

The artist is credited as 

Booker T. & The MG'S

Booker T And The MGs

Booker T And The MG's

all would be seen as different artists.