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Automation fails after remote url

Live assist fails to kick in after a 2 hour live stream ends. Any ideas why? Attached screen shot. Remote url goes out on time and ends on time just no autodj kicking in after 2hrs

I'm not sure what your screenshot is showing. What I would expect to happen here is the remote URL gets added to the log and immediately the next item is played (I assume that is the remote URL). I would expect audio to continue if you have scheduled the 12am hour onwards.

Hi jason. I want the remote url to play for 2 hours and then automation to kick back in. The remote url plays for 2 hours but automation is not playing after it

Hi Rich,

PlayIt Live will resume automation only if tracks are scheduled after the 2 hour remote URL. Ensure the system is in Automation ON while your remote URL is playing and tracks will be scheduled after it.

Automation would that count as live assisted. because our system stays in live assisted mode 24/7?

Hi Jason, I've got a problem with my URL feed. When in Automation and it switches to my URL feed. It seems to start perfectly on time then after 10 seconds it stops and restarts the feed again. I've changed the settings from soft to hard start but it stills does it. It never use to do it until a recent update, It works fine for the news feed URL but when I take longer URL feeds is when I have the problem.

Its the scheduling that lets playit live down. Clocks are so hard to setup and get right when you not really got a idea how to set them up. 9 times out of 10 my clocks would fail so I used schedule events instead. Especially when scheduling until midnight. Getting autodj to restart was a nightmare. When using url feed make sure its not the .pls file your using use ip and port. So http://ip:port Example Or url of server instead of ip address.