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No wanting played items displayed on screen

We are using Play It as a cart system only - kept crashing and could not get it work as the main playout systems - DJ's touch  the  screen and it plays the next promo or station ID in the list.

Once the item has played we do not want to see it on screen and there is no need to keep a log of what was aired when .

Is it possible to set playit live up so we only see the home screen area- we see the next item to air only and when they have been played it gone from the screen  

our senior citizen community broadcasters are getting confused  about what has gone to air and what is coming up next .

Or is there a way in deck mode that ii can be made to run the deck one after the other automatically .

The DJ does not have a mouse or a keyboard just a touch screen and needs to be very simple - tap screen and next items in que play and it stops

1 Comment

It would be handy to have a link to the forums on the front home page can never find my way back here 

As a added to above we have the play out pattern set to play a Station sponsor -  station promo and then a station id   - we use the artist name sorted track groups and tag the spot appropriately - this machine only has the station promos and such on it.




then by setting the play out policy to not repeated same artist or tack in 1 hour  

with log scheduler on it then loads up the 3 tracks in order and when you push the play button it plays the 3 of them to air in sequence and stops 

when you manually deleted the played tracks it then loads up  3 more in order -

- but would love to automate this process by the system removing the 3 played tracks by it self