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Songs get stuck or skipping during play

 When I'm playing songs,everything is fine,when I start the encoder,whatever song is playing gets stuck for a few seconds.During those few seconds I lose the stream,I reconnect and the same thing happens again.Any idea what could be wrong?

I will reply here so everyone can benefit from the answer. Email support is reserved for users with a support plan.

It depends which version of PlayIt Live you upgraded from so it is difficult to say what the issue may be. I would suggest checking your audio device selections via File > Settings. These can get switched around. Ensure you confirm the selections by clicking OK so the settings are saved

my windows 7 machine worked fine till downloaded 2.03.

Now it skipping all files, carts and players..

please respond to [email protected].

Not enough processor power is the simple answer. Why is more interesting. For me PlayIt Live runs fine on a 10 year old windows 7 machine, even streaming it runs at 20-30% cpu and only glitches if I run update or anti virus scans. It is an otherwise clean install however. What else is running?