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How to delete song list on the song explorer?


Every week I regularly refresh the audio files in a particular folder (ex: new entry and commercial spot) and find a problem. I saw many audio lists that have been deleted but still appear in the right explorer.


How do I delete the audio list in the right explorer to audio files that no longer exists?


Hi Boma,

PlayIt Live only stores a link to the underlying file on the file system. If you delete the file, PlayIt Live will not be aware that it has been deleted and will display the error notification you have seen. You must delete the tracks where you have deleted the underlying files via Manage > Tracks and then delete the corresponding tracks.


Hello Jason,

Is there an easy way to identify tracks where they are in the track list but the files are no longer in the expected place ?

Hi Mark,

I'm afraid not, but this is included in my "Better track management" feature planned for this year.


Thanks Jason,

I'm looking forward to that feature.

Mark Hawkins