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Program log not following clocks

This is an issue that has been bugging me, on one PC I cannot get PlayIt Live to follow the clock schedule at all, it seems to just randomly generate tracks. Originally I thought it was somehow just not scheduling the liners but upon a closer look it just simply doesn't seem to recognize that I have a clock schedule in place for the entire day.

Is there possibly a button I am missing? I am using the latest version.

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Edit: Except mine won't follow the clock schedule regardless of what mode it is in. Random tracks generated by the playout log in all modes.


Identical to the issue I am having, except mine won't even schedule that legal ID like yours is doing. Best I can tell is the program is ignoring the clock and instead is following the playout pattern. I'll be able to provide screenshots later this afternoon when I'm at the studio.


Here is the log in manual doing just fine...

I put it in auto and it does this...

Random track have replaced my 9:00 hour and here is my 9:00 hour now...

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It seems to do that to me too.  I have the next five hours set up to run and try to throw it into auto and the program just inserts random tracks in place and cause my 9:00 hour  to start at 9:55.

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Hi Alex,

I have just tested creating a clock with 5 jingles at the start, scheduling this for the current hour and clicking Schedule in Manage > Playout Log and it generated the tracks as expected.

Please could you show with screenshots how you set up the clock, scheduled it and then show a screenshot of the incorrect playout log. I am interested to see if there is a buggy workflow I have missed.

Please ensure you are running the latest version released on 9th August: 1.12 Build 1281 

Kind regards,