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Booting up in Auto mode?

I have been going thru the documentation and have not been able to find my answer. Is there a way to boot the software up in auto mode?

Best Answer

Hi Sparchy,

It is currently not possible to start up PlayIt Live in auto mode, but I can see you already created a feature request for this. This will be considered as a feature for a future version of PlayIt Live.

Kind regards,



There is a scheduled event to change the Playout Mode which you can set to Auto.


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Hi Sparchy,

It is currently not possible to start up PlayIt Live in auto mode, but I can see you already created a feature request for this. This will be considered as a feature for a future version of PlayIt Live.

Kind regards,



start up in auto mode will be coming soon or not ?


I set up a Manage->Scheduled Event called "Starting Playing".  I added the "Start Live 
Assist Playout" to run at startup.  This started some music.  But there's no way to command it to change from "MANUAL" to "AUTO" so that playback can continue.