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Not playing

Every few days after opening up program no sound is coming out, then when I check settings some of the players are blank and when I enter them again it says please assign a valid device to player one Confused

Hi Brian,

I'm sorry on Microsoft's behalf about this user interface, it will be replaced in a future update as it is the cause of endless confusion.

Please make sure you click the highlighted blue 'Speakers' text on the dropdown to select the device.


Here’s another video it keeps disappu
Hi Jason still got the same problem as per video you can see the players are not accepting my insert, all the others in play it live have gone in ok Please come back I don’t know what to do Brian

Hi Brian,

The Microphone Mix plugin (which I presume you mean) is designed to be used by users who do not have a desk to plug and XLR microphone into. If you have a deck you should take the output of the desk and use this to broadcast.

Thank you Jason can I ask you if I purchase the microphone is there a way I can use and control it through my desk ?

Hi Brian,

Please check your Live Assist settings (even if you aren't using them). You need to set the players there also.


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