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Transfer Nowplaying license to a new Pc ?

We have changed our streamig på, and now we cant use the NowPLaying plug in on that user because its a different pc... Do we have to buy it again or is there a workaround to for it not to be locked to the old pc ?

All the best


Hi Julien,

You can make a transfer request from the plugins page here:

1 person likes this

Hi jason i need to transfer my playit live to my pc please can you assist so my pluggins come with it

You can transfer any existing plugins via this page:

Thank you Jason just this came abit to late as my shows are on sundays so i purchased them again but will bare this in mind for the future if need be.

I did try this but it kept saying purchase plugins

Hello. I have the same problem, i've changed PC. The oldest is PC-JULIEN. The new pc is JULIEN-HP2020   . Can you make the transfer please ? 

ooops, it's remote control plugin for me...

thank you

Hi Jess,

If the old PC is no longer in use I can transfer the plugin free-of-charge. Please let me know the name of the new PC and I can transfer it.

That would be great. The computer name is RadioFrejaRock

And computer description is Freja Rock

Hi Jess,

I have transferred the plugin. Please redownload the plugin to apply the change.

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