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Newer Versions of playitlive crash instantly after loading

Love PIL.  Purchased the audio processor plugin a couple years ago.  Lost the info but no matter...

Three windows 7 PC's desktops, tried downloading any of the 2.0 versions of PIL and they instantly start with "fatal error"   

I'm running version 1.08 just fine.  


Hi Brian,

Please can you show a screenshot of the error you are seeing?



Hi Brian,

Please can you clarify the version of Windows 7 you are running. PlayIt Live requires Windows 7 SP1 with all Windows updates applied. Please also ensure that .NET Framework 4.7.1 is installed.


You can download the .NET Framework 4.7.1 installer from here 

Your installer on PIL makes me download something every time I load the program. I will try this dot net installer. Ive tried this many times but Im willing to keep trying short of loading windows 10 on that PC. Thanks for being so communicative, you really have a great software.
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