If one of PlayIt Software's products is running slower than expected, this could be related to a memory issue.
If requested by PlayIt Software Support, please follow these steps to assist with diagnosing the issue.
- Download JetBrains dotMemory command line tool from https://www.jetbrains.com/dotmemory/download/#section=commandline
- Extract the downloaded zip, which should place the files in a folder such as C:\Users\%username%\Downloads\JetBrains.dotMemory.Console.windows-x64.2024.3.5
- From the extracted folder in File Explorer, open the command line by clicking any empty space in the address bar and typing cmd and press Enter
- With the affected program running, e..g PlayIt Live, with high memory usage, type the following:
dotmemory get-snapshot PlayItLive - A snapshot file will be created in the same folder
- Upload the created file to a file sharing website such as WeTransfer (https://wetransfer.com/) and share the link by email via our Contact page