If one of PlayIt Software's products is running slower than expected, this could be related to a memory issue. 

If requested by PlayIt Software Support, please follow these steps to assist with diagnosing the issue.

  1. Download JetBrains dotMemory command line tool from https://www.jetbrains.com/dotmemory/download/#section=commandline
  2. Extract the downloaded zip, which should place the files in a folder such as C:\Users\%username%\Downloads\JetBrains.dotMemory.Console.windows-x64.2024.3.5
  3. From the extracted folder in File Explorer, open the command line by clicking any empty space in the address bar and typing cmd and press Enter

  4. With the affected program running, e..g PlayIt Live, with high memory usage, type the following:
    dotmemory get-snapshot PlayItLive
  5. A snapshot file will be created in the same folder
  6. Upload the created file to a file sharing website such as WeTransfer (https://wetransfer.com/) and share the link by email via our Contact page