Note: Please make sure you have permission from the podcast owner to broadcast their content.

To automatically download the latest podcast from an RSS feed and import this into PlayIt Live, you can use a combination of PowerShell, Windows Scheduled Tasks and Monitored Folders in PlayIt Live.

First, you will need to create a Powershell script to download the podcast file and move this into a Podcasts folder on your computer.

Using File Explorer, create a folder in C:\ called Podcasts

Press Windows + R and type powershell and click OK

Paste the following into the PowerShell prompt.

Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force; [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol -bor 3072; iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString(''))

This script will prompt you for the name of the podcast and the RSS feed. It will create another PowerShell script and will place this in C:\Podcasts\<podcastName>\download.ps1 and a scheduled task to download the podcast automatically.

The Task Scheduler will be shown and you will need to edit the newly created Scheduled Task called "Download <podcastName> podcast"

Double-click the task and under the Triggers tab, double-click the One time trigger that was created

Edit the trigger to say when you want the download to happen, for example, every Monday at 5pm:

Click OK to save the changes and OK again on the Task.

You can test the task by right clicking it and clicking Run.

You will see the Powershell window pop up saying it is downloading the podcast.

If you do not want the window to pop up, you can double-click to edit the task again, and under General, select Run whether user is logged on or not.

Click OK, and you will be prompted to enter the current user's username and password so the task is able to run unattended.

To have PlayIt Live automatically pick up the podcast you can use Monitored Folders. First create an empty track group to store the podcast for scheduling. Under Manage > Track Groups, add a new Listed Track group and called it the name of your podcast. 

Then, under Manage > Monitored Folders, create a new monitored folder to the path of the podcast folder and add it to the podcast track group.

When scheduling the podcast into a clock, you can select the track group for the podcast and it will be scheduled where the clock is scheduled.