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Use Headphones + Speakers in Playit Live?

Hi, Is there a way to use both Headphones and Speakers in Playit Live? I want everything to be output to my Speakers but when I turn on my Mic (I use the Mic/Mix In Plugin) I want the Sound to only go through my Headphones. Is that possible in Playit Live or with 3rd party Software? Thanks for any help!

Best Answer

It is not possible to switch between speakers and headphones when the microphone is on. Usually, there is a physical switch inside your computer that will switch between the two.

Having had a look at the other question you asked, you may want to have a look at "VoiceMeeter Banana".

I've never used it myself but as a software mixer it looks worth investigating. As I understand it you could make PlayIt Live a source on a channel (you may need a "virtual cable" to do this). 

PlayIt Live is extremely flexible and capable but has some limitations when using a microphone, in particular the kind of speaker muting when the mic is on that a radio mixer might have (sometimes called control room mute) isn't a current feature (or anything I've seen on the feature requests).

You would need to use a hardware mixer that supports mic mute to get the functionality you want. This will most likely be a "proper" broadcast mixer (for example have a look at D&R's mixers).


It is not possible to switch between speakers and headphones when the microphone is on. Usually, there is a physical switch inside your computer that will switch between the two.

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