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Cartwall and Quick Carts clearing on exit

Hi There
My name is Dave and I have been using Playit Live and the Cartwall for a while, I'm running windows 10 and it's been running great.
I have over 300 carts loaded onto the Cartwall with tv clips as I do a double golden hour, yesterday I did the show and closed down Playit Live and the Cartwall as always, when I re-opened them a couple of hours later the Cartwall and the Quick Carts with jingles on Playit Live were empty.
I thought it might be an update issue so checked and updated both the Playit Live and the Cartwall, I then re-loaded a few carts into the quick carts on the main player and a few into the cartwall then closed them down, on re-opening them the were cleared again, I tried uninstalling the cartwall and re-installing it but it just clears any carts after exit and reopening, can anyone help?? 

1 person has this problem

I have exactly the same problem...

Same here... itll work fine for a while, then wont start.... ive reloaded several time but still nothing... 

when i click on quick carts they dont play. What am i doing wrong?

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