should read RADIO NEWS HUB.
Hello Phil,
You can play a file from a swept folder so manually, if you put you file from Radio News Hub in that folder then it would play.
To avoid a random selection of news bulletins you either need to only have the most current one in the folder or possibly there is a naming scheme that stops you playing the wrong one.
While I've never tried it, this looks like it might help:
The Tribute and pastie sounds good. If you can get this going you might justify a "Proper Job" !
Mark, many thanks for the info you have suggested.
I did ask a very cheeky question of Jason after I had watched a very helpful Youtube video of setting up an FTP sever in which Jason also used Winscp.
Jason, was under the impression that it would work in the way you suggest by using an FPT server to receive the NEWS file and then use Winscp to transfer the file into a NEWS folder which is also monitored by Playit live to then take the updated file and use it for the next news cast.
The clue to me is that the monitored file would already hold a copy of the news and would be overwritten by the new edition as the name remains the same. That file would then be updated into playit live and is then ready for the next news cast.
So if all this works it would be time for a scone or two, with jam and then cream on top of the jam (the cornish way) and of course at least 3 headache tablets! Meself, i prefer Mena Dhu (it's a smooth stout) dark as the severn tunnel and with full of flavour very different from the coloured water of many beers now a days.
Phil Harris
Hello from Sunny Cornwall,
Can you help with quite a simple guide to using Radio Hub's service please?
It appears that the service operates via DROPBOX ( I don't have a box, let alone drop it).
It also operates via FTP or SFTP or EMAIL.
But PLAYIT operates on URL!
So any hand holding would be magic.
Right back to me pastie for tea and a pint of Tribute to wash it down.
Many thanks. Phil