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Cart Wall & Sound Issues

I've started using PlayItLive on a Surface Pro. Had a couple of issues so thought I'd leave you some constructive feedback/suggestions. 1. Cart wall needs some sort of lock from moving items around. You already have the three buttons on the top right hand side so perhaps you could add it there. It's easy using the touch screen to slightly drag your fingers when moving around the buttons then a dialogue box appears which you have to dismiss before you can move on. 2. Now I don't know if my other issue is my own making and there's an easy solution but it's frustrating nonetheless. I often switch between using the built-in speaker and attaching headphones however the settings do not seem to switch between the two. I then have to go in and manually change about half a dozen different options to change speaker to headphones and vice versa. I had previously used PlayItLive on an HP laptop and never encountered this issue. Issues aside, I really enjoy using PlayItLive and makes any community events I do so much easier.
1 Comment

Hi Daniel,

Thanks for the feedback.

1. This issue has been reported a few times recently. I will see what I can do to improve this in a future release.

2. PlayIt Live tries to remember the audio device that you have chosen, so when you insert a new audio device it doesn't change. This is intentional.

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